Our Readings

Choose the service that best suits your unique needs. Please note while bookings are highly recommended walk ins can be facilitated subject to availability.

  • Astrology (Basic)

    A birth chart reading which gives you information about your personality & life path and how to best use this knowledge to your advantage.

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  • I Ching Reading

    An oracle reading using ancient Chinese divination coins. I-Ching Readings can tell you about your own health, physical and emotional well-being from a traditional Chinese perspective

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  • Mediumship

    Safe and Reliable Conversation with loved ones who have passed over. The purpose is to allow individuals to receive messages, guidance, or closure from their departed loved ones.

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  • Palmistry

    Palmistry and Intuitive Reading using an ancient 5 colour coded method. It provides a detailed map of your past, present or future.

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  • Psychic/Intuitive Readings

    Gives you insights into Career, Health, Love, Business and many other areas of life. Your Reader may use tools in your reading that can include Tarot/Oracle cards, Runes, Pendulums or Dowsing rods

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  • Runes

    Runes Reading

    Rune readings are one of the oldest forms of divination.  Its roots go back to the Nordic and Germanic tribes of Scandinavia and Britain. They are used to help gain insight into situations or questions.

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  • Tarot/Oracle Readings

    Card Reading either Oracle or Tarot guided by Psychic/Intuitive Readers. This wonderful service gives the client insights into Career, Health, Love, Business and many other areas of life. 

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