Safe and Reliable Conversation with loved ones who have passed over.
The purpose is to allow individuals to receive messages, guidance, or closure from their departed loved ones.
- 30 min - $80
- 60 min - $120
(In Store or Online appointments available)
Mediumship is the ability to connect with and communicate messages from spirits, including loved ones who have passed away. During a mediumship session, a medium serves as a conduit between the physical world and the spirit realm.
Mediums may use various methods to receive these messages, such as clairvoyance (seeing spirits), clairaudience (hearing spirits), or other psychic abilities. The process aims to bring comfort, healing, and validation to those seeking connection with the spiritual realm.
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Book with LesleyAs a Psychic Medium, I utilise all my senses to provide guidance and support. Whether you're navigating career choices, matters of the heart, or planning your next adventure, I'm here to help you find the best path toward moving forward, lifting your spirits and your soul.
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