Our Story
Back in 2006, above the shops in Alexandra Street, there used to be rooms that were hired by a group of ladies for spiritual meetings and Dances of Universal Peace. They were forever asking for donations and always had difficulty paying the rent.
Barry’s thoughts and intentions were then guided to think that if there was a shop providing a regular income to pay the rent, these other activities could be accommodated at minimal cost. At the same time there was a TV show (Stacked) set in a book shop that incorporated a café.
That concept set Barry’s vision for a similar setup where you could come and relax, have a drink and shop at the same time. He wanted to establish a haven for like minded people, somewhere that truth seekers could go, find answers to their questions and be met with understanding and support.

At the time, Barry was running monthly Spiritual films, he used to put posters around town to advertise what was on. He regularly put one in the local Books and Crystal shop in the NZI Arcade in Garden Place, so he got to know the owner.
One day she said she was selling up and moving back to Papamoa. He said to her ‘write down what you want for the business’, it was exactly what he had available. That is when Infinity Books and Crystals was born.
Infinity held the odd event and class, but the shop was very small, so Barry spent about two years looking for a bigger venue.
In 2008, 481 Anglesea Street was found, with space to hold classes, films, seminars, concerts and courses. Infinity resided there for 12 years.
Many events we held over the years, hundreds. Several ladies channeled weekly and presenters came from America, England, Japan, India, Australia, and worked from Infinity.

2019 bought more changes, a new and bigger building here at 550 Anglesea Street and Barry was also joined by his daughters Amanda and Nina in running the store.
This brought a new direction and pace and a family dream to provide a space where people can have a relaxed experience in a Stress Free Zone, to be able to shop, have a healing and a coffee or bite to eat.
This dream came into reality and ARK Infinity cafe was born in 2021. ARK stands for ‘Acts of Random Kindness’ something we embrace wholeheartedly at Infinity. It is not uncommon for ourselves or customers to ‘Pay It Forward’ with a drink or a few $s towards their next purchase.

We acknowledge the fact that everyone needs a place they feel they belong, good customer service, a listening ear, a hug and acceptance are what we embrace. We encourage people to follow their soul's journey and walk the path with them as they step into their spiritual gifts.
We like to create a safe environment and sense of community for people, a place they can come and be and gain a rest from the outside world. Nothing is strange to us, we have either done it or we know about it, so we encourage people to be open and share their experiences.
As a business we support our community in offering a space for people to sell their products on consignment and fully support and use ethical and reliable New Zealand suppliers.
We pride ourselves on our large selection of Crystals and gifts and offer our large Healing Centre to the community with our wonderful team of very gifted healers and readers. We offer daily services, regular events and workshops, holiday activities and our monthly Spiritfest and newsletter.
We welcome you in, relax with a coffee, a healing/reading or browse the shop.There is always something new in store, so you never know what treasure or experience you will discover....
Namaste Barry, Amanda and Nina