Meet The Team

Meet our amazing healers and readers dedicated to your mental, Physical and spiritual well being.

  • Barry


    I grew up in London and moved to Tauranga in 1972 and then Hamilton in 1975. I started to listen to channelled voices in 1987, firstly Abraham and hundreds ever since. I have been fully involved in the spiritual world ever since.

    I founded Infinity Spirtual Centre in 2006 and now take great pride in providing a stress free zone for everyone to connect with there own spirtual journey.


    Drum Making Workshop

    Book With Barry 
  • Nina


    Since a young child I've always had a spiritual interest. Fuelled by my imaginary friend, curiosity, the human experience and the why, what and hows. I am an HS empath, kind and loving in nature but with an adventurous and worldly outlook. 

    Settling back in NZ after many years travelling, I now enjoy being in a position where I can not only be present in my spirituality but also balance that with my motivated and driven side in business. If I'm not in the store, you can often find me out on an adventure on my motorbike, filling up my bucket with the happiness it brings.

  • Amanda


    Hi ya, I'm Amanda - the first born of the Infinity Sisters. This time round my journey started in Enfield, UK then emigrating to NZ. Spirituality was around me growing up although back then I wasn't too interested.

    The synchronicities over the years got my attention though. When the opportunity arose in 2020 to help our Dad with Infinity it felt like coming home.

    Most days I'm in the office knee-deep in the day-to-day operations or making coffees in our cafe. In my down time I LOVE to create art, hang out with my family and our Mini Schnauzers.

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    My journey into professional practice began three decades ago, initially unaware of my ability to communicate with the spirit realm until my teenage years. Over time, I embraced and honed my intuitive and psychic gifts, finding them invaluable in various life situations. At the age of 30, I embarked on a journey of exploration to deepen my understanding and enhance these abilities, leading to profound personal growth.

    The path to inner connection is where transformation begins. By tapping into our inner wisdom, strength, and courage, we can navigate challenges with forgiveness and love, transcending emotional and mental disharmony.

    Whether you seek a reading, energy work, or alignment, my role is to channel wisdom and guidance, empowering you to trust in yourself again. It's about shedding outdated beliefs that stifle our innate intuitive abilities, claiming our natural gifts.



    Psychic/Intuitive Readings

    Energy Healings, Clearings and Rongoā

    Book With Lesley 

    As one of 9, I developed a good wit and charm to find my place in the world. I can tell a good joke and seem to know a lot! Insights which I have learnt and perceived over the last 40 odd years.

    I have an interest in all things esoteric and in particular I find myself drawn to observing electrical energy in all matter. My creative side keeps me busy making stuff, if I'm not pottering in my shed then you can often find me somewhere in deep conversation with myself or others. 


    Aura Workshop

    Pondering's With Clive

    Palmistry Readings & Workshops

    Book With Clive 
  • Lena

    Originally from the winterless north, where the warm climate allows me to embrace my passions year-round. Whether it’s tending to my garden, working on crafts, or exploring the beach, I’m always drawn to the beauty of nature.

    Travelling also fuels my adventurous spirit, and when I’m not on the road, you’ll likely find me riding my motorbike, enjoying the freedom and thrill of the open air. Nature and adventure are at the heart of who I am, shaping my hobbies and lifestyle.


    Chakra Balancing


    Hot Stone Massage

    Book with Lena 

    I am originally from a charming town in Bavaria, Germany. My journey led me to Hamilton, New Zealand, four years ago with my partner. What started as a temporary escape became a love affair with the city, drawing us in with its unique charm.

    My spiritual journey took an unexpected turn when multiple encounters with ConTact C.A.R.E during a training caught my attention. Taking it as a sign, I decided to explore further, and now, I'm convinced this is exactly what I'm meant to be doing.


    ConTact C.A.R.E

    Book With Elisa 
  • Ange


    I am a free spirit who spent her pre-school years raised in the serene Russell Bay of Islands before making a move to the mighty Waikato. Currently, I offer various clearing techniques designed to address blocks, self-sabotage, belief systems, and trauma. My unwavering belief in unicorns adds an extra touch of magic to my approach.


    Forensic Healing


    Energy Healings

    Book With Angela 
  • Annie


    Born in Wellington, Lower Hutt, my journey has been a whimsical ride of laughter and spiritual exploration. Anyone who knows me can attest to my love for making others laugh because, let's face it, laughter is a universal language that breaks down barriers and is the best medicine for the soul. My life motto echoes this sentiment: “Seek what brings you joy and do more of that.”


    Energy Healings

    House Clearings

    Runes & Intuitive Readings

    The Epiphany Program Workshop

    Book With Annie 
  • LOIS

    I am a country girl at heart, raised on a farm just outside of Te Aroha, before moving to Hamilton with my family later in life. I get great enjoyment from helping people to be as healthy as possible both physically and mentally.

    Outside of work I find solace and connection through meditation, often immersing myself in Jefferee Clarkson's soothing meditation music.


    Indian Head Massage

    Emotional Freedom Technique Healings & Workshops

    Book With Lois 

    I am born and raised in Hamilton where I've experienced the richness of its community and culture.

    One of my favourite stories to tell characterising my spiritual journey is when I was 9 years old, we had a community raffle. I had told my mother, you don’t need to contribute because “we will win it, and will only get it back”. So the night they were drawing the winning ticket for the raffle, I proceeded towards the stage before they even called the winning number “105” and we did indeed win it!


    Energy Clearings

    Lenormand Oracle Card/Tarot Readings & Workshops

    Book With Lucille 
  • Mark

    Born in Barnet, Hertfordshire, UK, in 1971. A serendipitous visit to Tauranga for my sister's wedding in January 2020 turned into a longer stay due to the pandemic, eventually leading me to call Hamilton home.

    Having studied Psychology at the University of Waikato, I've embraced the vibrant culture of Aotearoa. I revel in regular walks, cherish beach moments, and pursue water sports, particularly wing foiling.


    Tarot Readings

    Energy Healings

    Reiki Healings

    Empowerment Through Positive Thinking Workshop

    Book with Mark 
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    I was born and raised in Taranaki and moved to Hamilton to be close to my grandchildren.  

    I work closely with my Spirit Guides and my intuition has been strong ever since
    I can remember and I have always used/trusted it.

    I am also an Arcturian. 
    Who are loving, peaceful beings and are willing to communicate and work
    with any soul that wishes to travel with them to a higher level of


    Self Empowered Awakening Healings

    Book with Miria 
  • Quartney


    I grew up in both New Zealand and South Africa. Eventually I settled in Hamilton because family was here and I made myself at home. In my move I found a stunning non-for-profit to work for and now manage; that allows me to live my morals and values while helping the community.

    I bring a unique insight to each of my sessions healing my auto-immune disorder and growing back a third of my hair (alopecia) with emotional intelligence in a year and a half. I’ve been in remission for over 3 years tumour free.


    Tarot/Oracle Readings
    Living Light Workshop
    Energy Healing/Clearings
    Psychic/Intuitive Readings

    Book With Quartney 

    I was born in New Plymouth where my love of the beach started, grew up in Hamilton and then have dabbled in living in the UK and Australia – but Hamilton keeps pulling me back! 

    I love a good adventure, a bunch of flowers, and enjoying the sweetness of life. I believe Tarot and Astrology is such a beautiful tool that we can work with in a positive way to enhance our earthly experiences!


    Tarot/Oracle Readings
    Astrology Readings
    Soul Friends Group
    Tarot Coffee Mornings
    Tarot Workshops

    Book With Stacy 
  • Sue Xu

    SUE XU

    Originally hailing from the bustling city of Shanghai, China, where I spent my formative years. My New Zealand journey began in 1992, and by 2002, I found a home for myself and my three children in the welcoming community of Hamilton.

    On a more personal and spiritual note, I identify as an I-Ching Reader. Delving into this ancient Chinese divination text, I offer oracle readings to guide individuals on their path to improved health and overall well-being. It's a practice that allows me to blend my cultural roots with spiritual insights, fostering a deeper connection with those seeking guidance in their lives.


    I-Ching Readings

    Moxibustion Therapy

    Gua Sha Therapy

    Book With Sue Xu 
  • Vicki


    Originally from Hastings. My journey led me to Hamilton with a heartfelt purpose—to be close to our daughter, grandchildren, and son, who recently returned from overseas, as they navigate the beautiful tapestry of life.

    My spiritual essence is woven into a deep hunger for learning, growth, and expanding my consciousness. It's a lifelong desire to embody these spiritual experiences into the fabric of my physical human existence.


    Energy Healings
    Soul Awakenings
    NZ First Light Flower Essence Readings & Healing Remedies
    Chakra Workshops

    Book with Vicki 
  • SUE

    My roots extend through the landscapes of Arohena, Tauranga, and Kihikihi. Hamilton became my home due to work, but beyond that, I'm an artist and poet, finding joy in these expressive outlets.


    Sound Therapy

    Chakra Balancing

    Reiki Healings & Workshops

    Book With Sue 
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