Our Purpose

Our Mission

To provide a safe haven for like minded people, somewhere that truth seekers can come and whatever is said will not be ‘strange’, where people can get answers to their questions, discover the information they need and be met with understanding and support. Our commitment will always be the same, to create a culture of inclusiveness and belonging where all are welcome and to give wholeheartedly as we all travel our spiritual path.

Our Vision

To continue to create a caring environment that showcases the beauty and healing of crystals. To provide spiritual support and healing whilst we embrace change and growth, and search for new ways to grow our organization and ourselves. We will encourage the like minded to gather, share their gifts and experiences, engage in healing in a relaxed and supportive environment. To bring people together with Acts of Random kindness and exceed customer expectations in everything we do

Our Core Values

To create a strong customer focus and base with honesty and integrity and to provide quality products and services in an all inclusive and stress free zone.

Our Business Culture

We work as a team creating harmony and togetherness, not only within our Infinity team but within our community. We will continue to support New Zealand Businesses and local people with business exchange. We will continue to learn, discover and unite and offer the best service we can, with commitment and understanding. As a team we work together to promote growth within ourselves and our business by regular meetings and looking at ways we can service the community and strengthen our connection with all, via feedback, communication and listening to each other. We provide good quality, ethical products and services that we know you can trust and rely on.