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It is with great sadness that one of our readers has recently passed and gained her angel wings. 🪽

We were so blessed to have Janet-Louise @happyspirit1912 as part of the Infinity family.

We will miss our vibrant beacon of radiating love, breezing in full of smiles and bright witchy blessings.  Her physical presence will be greatly missed but we know she is with us all in spirit. 💕
Can you relate?  Let us know in the comments...
#mercuryretrograde #retrograde #retrogradeseason #thatsawrap #yay
#orgonites #energy #energies
Greg Bradon explains the science behind crystals

#crystals #atoms #quantumphysics #s#sacredgeometry #energies #Atomic #transformation #amplifier
#numerology #workshop #numbers #angelnumbers #selflove #attention #michellebuchanan