Terahertz Wave Therapy

Terahertz resonates at the same frequency as normal human cells and free radicals. The Optical Quartz amplifies the energy generated by the device creating a more powerful result.

  • 30 min - $80
  • 60 min - $120

The benefits of Terahertz wave Therapy

  • Activates and repairs cells
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Increases blood flow and reduces joint stiffness
  • Softens connective tissue and relaxes muscle fibres
  • Clears and balance meridians
  • Produces healthy cell oscillation and removes unhealthy cells
  • Detoxes and stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Removes water retention in the body
  • Energies the cells
  • Dries out dampness in the body
  • Improves circulation
  • Improves oxygen in the body
  • Regulates endocrine glands. Improves/elevates metabolism (1 hour of Terahertz Therapy is thought to be equivalent in benefits to 10x Acupuncture or 20x cupping sessions)
  • Miria

    I have used the Runes for 20 years. They are unique oracles possessing magical wisdom. These offer a guide in right and timely action in a reading that always responds to the requirements of the time in which it is consulted and the needs of those consulting it. They inspire, empower, and jumpstart a journey to self-discovery, giving my clients ways to shift the old ways into new pathways.

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